The Carbon Almanac edited by Seth Godin
The club’s August selection is a book filled with facts about climate change and possible solutions.
Portfolio / Penguin, 2022,
The Sustainability Book Club met on August 3 to discuss The Carbon Almanac edited by Seth Godin. Carbon has been a recurring theme in many previous book club selections, and this book provides a thorough explanation of carbon’s role in climate change, the consequences of rising global temperatures, and possible solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stop climate change.
Rather than having one author, the book is a collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers and illustrators. It uses short articles, tables, quotes, maps and infographs to present data and explain carbon’s impact on everything from ocean acidity to our economy. You can read the book cover to cover, or choose a single topic to explore. Many articles include a numbered URL where you can check out sources, relevant links and updates. At the back of the book are lists of leaders championing climate policy, plus a resource guide filled with media, projects and organizations to help you learn more and get involved.
During the book club meeting, members discussed the five possible scenarios of rising temperatures and sea levels that are described in the book, conventional agriculture’s role in climate change, and the various environmental organizations in our region. The group also talked about how composting food can help reduce methane emissions, tips for cutting back on plastic use, and the most impactful ways an individual can take action on climate change.
Here are just some of the ways you can take action that are listed in the book:
Enormous impacts
Campaign for political candidates who support climate change initiatives.
Contact local colleges and nonprofits that need help with climate change initiatives and research.
Join a committee that focuses on bringing well-designed mass transit to your community.
Medium impacts
Ride a train instead of flying short distances.
Choose an electricity provider generating power from the sun and wind.
Move your investments away from companies that develop fossil fuels.
Small impacts
Shop with reusable grocery bags.
Hang clothes to dry.
If you’d like more clarity on carbon, climate change and what the future may hold, pick up a copy of The Carbon Almanac.
The Sustainability Book Club
Join a group of avid readers who meet monthly to engage in lively discussions focused on books about sustainability. The club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month on Zoom. Contact us to join!
Sept. 7: The Food Explorer by David Stone
Oct. 5: The Secret Life of Groceries by Benjamin Lorr
Nov. 2: Food Stars by Ellen Mahoney